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Artemis supports extracting Logon entries from the Windows EventLog Security.evtx file. Artemis will try to correlate logon and logoff entries.


You have to use the artemis api in order to collect Logon entries.

Sample API Script

import {
} from "";

function main() {
const path = "path to Security.evtx";
const results = logons(path);


Output Structure

An array of Logons

export interface Logons {
logon_type: LogonType;
sid: string;
account_name: string;
account_domain: string;
logon_id: string;
logon_process: string;
authentication_package: string;
source_ip: string;
source_workstation: string;
logon_time: string;
logoff_time: string;
duration: number;

export enum LogonType {
Network = "Network",
Interactive = "Interactive",
Batch = "Batch",
Service = "Service",
Unlock = "Unlock",
NetworkCleartext = "NetworkCleartext",
NewCredentials = "NewCredentials",
RemoteInteractive = "RemoteInteractive",
CacheInteractive = "CacheInteractive",
Unknown = "Unknown",